Medium-risk threats on the list included herbicides and pesticides, acid rain, pollution of surface water and airborne toxic substances.
Monitors have been installed around the city to measure for airborne radiological, chemical or biological substances.
A middle rank includes herbicides and pesticides, pollution of surface waters, acid precipitation and airborne toxic substances.
The new calculations were needed because a large portion of the airborne radioactive substances would enter the seawater when it came down as rain.
Researchers have developed an "electronic nose" prototype that can detect small quantities of harmful airborne substances.
Sources Are Many The chemical industry is the largest single source of airborne toxic substances reported in the survey.
The bill covers any "airborne substance," thus governing paint sprayers, spray washers and sandblasters as well.
At any moment, the air around an animal may contain hundreds of different airborne substances, which fluctuate with wind, humidity, and multiple other factors [25].
You must also adequately control exposure to hazardous airborne substances.
It detects volatile, airborne substances.