A "bullseye" is displayed for the pilot, indicating aircraft position in relation to glideslope and final bearing.
Various types of messages are possible, for example, relating to fuel consumption, engine performance data, aircraft position, in addition to free text.
Terminal 5 and the neighboring Terminal 6 now have 37 aircraft positions between them.
The objective of this technique is to maintain wings level and the aircraft position near the runway centerline during approach.
They replace earlier methods of observation that used photographic evidence or ground-based observers to record aircraft position.
The company radio requested aircraft position, to which the co-pilot replied 'just a minute.'
Then the midpoint between the start and stop azimuth is used for aircraft position.
The new Terminal 3 should be able to house up to 25 million passengers and will feature 75 new aircraft positions.
The aircraft position is then displayed on a high-resolution color graphics terminal that also shows the approach centerline and the glide path.
With two VOR stations the aircraft position can be determined, but the accuracy is limited.