I felt fine except for a tendency to gasp like a goldfish in the airless atmosphere.
After a while, though, Glendale's airless atmosphere begins to feel as stifling to the reader as it does to the sons and daughters of the town.
It was this man who kept alive what little conversation managed to survive the tent's stiff, damp and airless atmosphere.
In fact, there is something about the installation that suggests the airless, repressive political atmosphere that helped inspire "Guernica" and keep Picasso out of Spain.
A white flag, attached to an antenna, hung limply in the airless atmosphere.
Even with its contemporary touches, this production of "Ghosts" has the airless atmosphere of a 19th-century melodrama played without conviction.
An overpowering stench of dank staleness had her coughing, an almost airless atmosphere down here that was icy cold.
Its drive wheels threw plumes of dirt up into the airless atmosphere as it struggled to find purchase.
The common cold is a viral infectious disease and one especially cannot catch it in the virtually airless atmosphere of Pluto as Arnold does in the episode.
Since parachutes were not deployable in an airless atmosphere, special shock-resistant canisters made of duralumin and steel had been designed.