Making his way across the cavern in that dead, airless heat seemed to take Nikolas forever.
But he was grateful for the day's outing, anything to escape Washington's airless heat.
Eventually the airless heat under the skirts made him anxious to get out no matter what.
He was hungry, exhausted, and his throat was dry from the airless heat of Yehuda's room.
And there she was, doubtless, somewhere below in the valley, having her noonday sleep in the airless heat of a tent, alone or with a lucky Arab friend-not Smail, he thought.
A sunscreen had been rigged above the Harper's head but it was the airless heat that roused him.
Through their narrow apertures - not the L.A. night, stifling in airless heat - the darker spaces of the police station's ground floor were visible.
We climbed in and slumped back under the little canopy, sagging in the airless heat of sunset.
When it didn't turn to airless heat on the streets of a city.
It was late in the day and, after the stifling, airless heat of the dry plain, the wind off the sea was cool silk on her skin.