The airline confirmed that there was a passenger booked under that name.
The broadcasting system also said the pilot reported engine trouble, but the airline did not confirm this.
The airline, the sixth-largest in the United States, confirmed that the talks had been halted, but refused to say why.
In addition, the airline confirmed orders for three more 767-300's with extended-range capability, for a value of about $240 million.
Once the airline confirms the traveler's information, it issues a boarding pass that the traveler uses to board the plane.
Then the airline had confirmed him in first class, with an aisle seat, at six a.m. No problem.
Some airlines confirm upgrading 24 hours before flight time; others do not do so until two hours before boarding.
In the same announcement, the airline confirmed the continuation of its remaining scheduled service, with a strong focus on maintaining the more profitable international routes.
They require airlines to confirm the receipt of Government warnings of terrorist threats and to report on measures taken.
The airline confirms it has taken these steps to save money, but says they do not endanger safety.