For sure, the P.F.L.P. had engaged in bombings and airline hijackings, but it also conducts peaceful political and relief activities.
If any airline hijackings in the United States have been averted since 9/11, it is only because Attorney General John Ashcroft already has the terrorists in lockup.
This is well known from airline hijackings.
Considers how bin Laden was influenced by the media coverage of airline hijackings and the murder of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics.
The narrator is both literate and well educated enough to have been reading newspaper accounts of attempted and completed airline hijackings.
In addition, when the summit countries' leaders have sometimes focused on issues at these annual meetings, such as airline hijackings and drug control, that were not prepared beforehand.
After a rash of airline hijackings involving Israel, or planes flying through Israel, the national carrier, El Al, began putting sky marshals on flights in the early 1970's.
The system was first put into place by order of the government in 1973, after a nasty spate of airline hijackings.
Indeed, the latest staff report on official Washington's minute-by-minute response to that morning's four suicidal airline hijackings is called "Improvising a Homeland Defense."
The practice of keeping a pair of handcuffs handy grew out of the wave of airline hijackings in the late 1960's and 1970's.