Those savings are on top of the almost $1 billion that American Express estimates the airlines have saved from the two earlier commission reductions.
Mr. Crandall also said that the airline would cut 900 management jobs, nearly 14 percent of its 6,500 administrative employees, and save $93 million a year.
If travelers book and buy tickets by computer, the airlines save on commissions to travel agents.
Analysts have estimated that the airlines may save as much as $500 million a year in fees to agents.
They would never notice, let alone squawk, he figured, and the airline could save some money.
"If the airlines weren't so concerned about the bottom line and saving every penny, they could increase the air flow," he said.
One area in which the airlines can save money is by cutting agency commissions.
Every airline saved passenger lists for thirteen months in case of medical and security checks.
At a time of crisis the airlines are saving themselves by asking for these limits, just as we have said here, to be extended into next year.
The fewer different types of planes in a fleet, the more the airline will save in long-term employee training and maintenance costs.