To illustrate his method, Mr. Huang cited the problem of measuring wind over every square inch of an airplane fuselage.
He came to the subject as an expert on applied mechanics and the properties of shells like airplane fuselages.
Very large items for example boat hulls, airplane fuselages, can be set at low-pressure and low heat by soaking glass fibre, wood etc. in resins.
Arc welding was first applied to aircraft during the war as well, and some German airplane fuselages were constructed using this process.
Some elements suggest a stripped-down airplane fuselage, others a futuristic diner.
For example, metal structures (e.g. airplane fuselage, engine crankshaft) will have damping factors less than 0.05 while automotive suspensions in the range of 0.2-0.3.
In the giant galleries are projects ranging from a gladiatorial arena for insects to a 20-ton sand castle and an airplane fuselage.
The bright red car looks like a bulbous airplane fuselage without wings.
It consisted of an airplane fuselage with two paddle-wheel like attachments in place of the wings.
A bright orange derelict airplane fuselage was removed in 2004.