Over the past four years these terrorist cells have produced the airplane hijackers and hostage-takers.
Also cooperating, senior officials said, was Saudi Arabia, the much-criticized homeland of 15 of the 19 airplane hijackers in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
These had been badly frayed since Sept. 11, in part because 15 out of the 19 airplane hijackers were Saudi.
He has also been seen as an airplane hijacker whose demands grow increasingly eccentric.
Instead, administration officials have been briefing allies on what he called "pretty good information" establishing the link between the airplane hijackers and Mr. bin Laden.
Samuel Byck, American airplane hijacker and murderer (d. 1974)
Katar Hol fights off airplane hijackers who are really aliens and ends up landing on Dinosaur Island.
Leila Khaled, who gained notoriety as an airplane hijacker, crossed into the West Bank today from Jordan.
But the investigators found that the 19 airplane hijackers had clearly defined roles, almost corporate in style.
Americans were crazy with fear about airplane hijackers, terrorists, killers, and so there was no more dangerous place for a man with a gun in America than an airport.