The day before the Austro-Hungarian surrender, 2 November 1918, Cabruna strafed two of their airplanes parked on their own airfield.
From this altitude the scene reminded Jake of a model railroad setup, complete with cars, trucks and several airplanes parked on the mat just off the runway', and a locomotive and flatcars near the biggest hangari But his attention was captured by the empty transporters parked on the mat.
We'd see airplanes parked at every piece of concrete.
Cambridge-Dorchester Airport had a lot of airplanes parked there, but there was no fixed-base operator to service planes, so it was not unusual to see private autos towing them.
We see airplanes and news crews parked on the tarmac in Libya, Cyprus and Kuwait.
NATO responded by bombing a military runway, but pilots were ordered to avoid hitting Serb airplanes parked on the tarmac.
She looked over at the big airplanes parked at the boarding gates and contemplated the idea of flyng home.
Yugoslav warplanes attacked the airport with rockets, hitting an Adria Airways hangar and an airplane parked on a runway by Slovenian forces to prevent Yugoslav Army planes from bringing in troops.
The two men parted, and Jake walked slowly up the deck, examining the airplanes parked in rows.