Instead of waiting to see how the airplane performs and then ordering it, Delta this time is out in front as the airline whose order is enabling McDonnell Douglas to build the plane.
He had been to his brother's Air Force base many times and had seen numerous demonstrations of fighter prowess, but always by single airplanes going fast or performing difficult maneuvers, never by a group of airplanes performing the maneuvers together.
Based in Calvi these airplanes performed "Guet Arme" missions which means monitoring and signaling a fire, taking action immediately in order to fight it.
This would be no great feat, except that Walter Bowman did it while making the airplane perform a barrel roll.
American intercity buses focus on medium-haul trips between 200 and 300 miles; airplanes perform the bulk of longer trips and automobiles shorter ones.
The new base became the center for experimentation and development of rigid airships for strategicDuring WWII, although airplanes performed most of the US Navy air operations, coastal anti-submarine patrol was conducted by lighter-than-air craft.
The deputy director's airplane was performing a function it had never been designed for.
Pragmatists have argued that a cheap airplane and a cheap car would be less complicated and perform better than a hybrid, and they have prevailed.
The airplane performed a hard landing, resulting in the nose gear collapsing and severe damage to the aircraft.
The Southwest pilots' union said in its letter that accepting Boeing's calculations for how the airplane would perform was "a safe and wise decision" in most conditions.