The airy, innovative structure is already being hailed by environmental advocates as the "greenest" office building yet devised.
It is a soaring, airy, glass-clad structure that also serves as the entrance to the auditorium.
The museum is a light, airy structure that combines Maine granite and hard pine with classical motifs.
Why did he gloss over the virtues of this airy and transparent structure?
The main stable was a high, airy structure, with huge, open-fronted stalls that were well kept and spotlessly clean.
Akokisa people lived in settled villages and built airy structures to cope with their warm climate.
They accumulate in the brain, killing cells, leaving it with the airy structure of a sponge.
A museum tour begins in the barn, an airy structure with hardwood floors and exposed ceiling beams.
One need not attend services to see this; the climate favors light, airy structures that are mostly roof and slender columns.
(A prototype of this airy structure has already been built in a Boston parking lot.)