Three years later, confronted with even more alarming evidence, it agreed with other Western nations to eliminate CFC's by the year 2000.
Government figures have provided alarming new evidence about the extent of poverty among young people, with the numbers receiving severe hardship payments increasing seven-fold since 1989.
There is already alarming evidence of the breakdown of these habits of solidarity.
But Johnson's rise and fall provide alarming evidence that even here there is a distinct national appetite for success at any cost.
It found some alarming evidence.
The Harvard researchers looked at two kinds of alarming evidence about the health impact of trans fatty acids.
Reference has already been made to the alarming evidence obtained by United Nations investigators in Iraq.
Many took the split with Callaway as alarming evidence that Daly had hit rock bottom.
Already, there is alarming evidence of eating disorders among female athletes, and the hormonal ramifications of rigorous training are yet to be defined.
Increasingly, however, the group has uncovered alarming evidence of widespread human rights violations.