Why did they insist on standing up ten minutes before their stop, thus obliging them to fall over frequently in an alarming and undignified fashion?
She arched her back, rubbing at the small of it, and making her belly protrude in an alarming fashion.
There seemed something wrong with the light, for the outline of town and castle had apparently wavered in a most alarming fashion.
An estimated $1.2 billion in customer funds seems to have disappeared and the company has collapsed in fast and alarming fashion.
As she slid back one of the doors, it squeaked in an alarming fashion.
Not long after McNair assumed the premiership, his wife's health deteriorated in an alarming fashion and she spent much of her time in hospitals.
He grabbed the side of his bunk as the ship fell into a trough and juddered in a most alarming fashion.
(2 m) and each LCA rose and fell in an alarming fashion.
He's a delightful child, of course, but there is a strain of unbridled pugnacity in him that breaks out at times in a really alarming fashion.
'The boat was plunging up and down in a most alarming fashion, and I could make no observations at all this last half hour.'