When the results came back in January, the district zeroed in on one alarming finding.
Although the strength of the evidence varies from one ailment to another, the report cites many alarming findings.
The most alarming finding in the survey of new studies related to women who become psychotic after childbirth, with symptoms like hallucinations and delusions, Dr. Pasnau said.
These alarming findings are reported in the coalition's book, "AIDS in the World 1992," to be published by Harvard University Press later this year.
The FTA blamed the previous METRO administration for "both alarming and disturbing" findings.
Initial concerns regarding benzodiazepines in pregnancy began with alarming findings in animals but these do not necessarily cross over to humans.
In the meantime, of course, the news media buried the story of Dr. Kay's alarming findings.
The alarming findings of the Southampton study make it quite clear that we must call for a ban and that we need a ban.
I hope tomorrow we will send out a signal that we take the alarming scientific findings seriously.