Crime has increased a bit over the years, but it has never reached alarming proportions here.
She seemed to have no serious injuries, save for a wrist that was already swelling to alarming proportions.
So, too, are an alarming proportion of the victims of police misconduct.
"In Havana it is a scandal taking on more alarming proportions every day."
Corporate debt in the 1980's has reached alarming proportions.
But the truck had a limited amount of space, and the list in her head had grown to alarming proportions.
Since the start of the industrial age, the problems have only worsened to assume alarming proportions.
The current levels of humanitarian distress in south and central Somalia have reached alarming proportions.
In the same way, human trafficking in Africa has reached alarming proportions.
It can only exacerbate the problem, which is already, as you know, of alarming proportions.