It was a 12 song album album with six studio tracks and six live tracks.
Their first album album, NP, was released in 1995.
Dodd's official website claims 12 songs were penned, but the finished album album only contained 10 tracks.
It would appear on his album 1967 album Tim Hardin 2.
While they successfully toured Europe from 2008 until 2009,the duo started working on the new album album.
"Pandemonium" is a song by Killing Joke, from their album album of the same name.
It was released in December 1990 as the second single and title track from their album album of the same name.
Project 11-41 is the third album album by rock band Slapshock, released in 2002.
Headtrip is the second album album by rock band Slapshock, released in 2001.
After releasing the 2003 album Vehicles Beyond, a softer (but not soft) yet more focused album.