The album was packaged in an attention-grabbing, bright orange sleeve.
The album was packaged in a special long box, featuring a photo book, though it is also now out of print.
The album was packaged in dark green, with one of Hitchcock's paintings on the front.
The album is not packaged with a traditional lyrics booklet.
In North America, the album was packaged in several different ways.
The album is packaged in a super-jewel case with a slipcase cut to fit.
For a time, the album was packaged together with a CD3 single including the new versions of the song.
Each album was packaged with a 192-page booklet that contained features on the artists, and original articles.
The album was packaged with such an ad.
The album is packaged in a small booklet that includes a brief story and drawing to accompany each song.