Her second album Never Said Goodbye was released in August 2006.
And in effect, both albums say, "The crossover stops here."
The song remained a staple in concert, though, and was eventually recorded for the 1981 album Never Say Die.
While those forces help American rock, pop, urban and country music flourish, albums for little kids, say 8 and under, have to find their own way.
Next album will be called "Don't say I didn't warn you."
Amiel states "The album says what I wanted it to say.
I mean that's... If anyone ever wanted to know why we were big in the other part of the world, that album says it, for me.
"What the album is really saying is that the time has come for Latin America to reinvent itself on its own terms," he said.
Her second album Never Say Never followed which sold over 16 million copies worldwide.
About the album said that "is doomed by its lack of heart and inability to rise above the formulaic."