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When the five agents (wuxing) are used to represent the alchemical process, the basic configuration is the same.
Soil, the fifth agent, allows the entire alchemical process to unfold, and also represent its completion.
Throughout the 18th century, this could only be made by dry distilling minerals in a technique similar to the original alchemical processes.
They thought there was a machine to convert the lead into gold, or an alchemical process organized by a secret formula.
Such paths can either be real chemical processes or alchemical processes.
A good example of the alchemical process is the Kirkwood's coupling parameter method.
Creating a performance piece together is an alchemical process that transforms the group participants.
The treatise describes the alchemical process in terms of Christian mythology.
She took the only route open to her and by some alchemical process had been transformed.
His role in the band has been stated as "Sensation, alchemical processes and keys to secrets".