Isopropyl alcohol dissolves a wide range of non-polar compounds.
Alcoholic beverages are used in cooking for their flavors and because alcohol dissolves hydrophobic flavor compounds.
Jason took a pull out of nervousness, and found that he felt better as the alcohol dissolved his synapses.
The alcohol will instantly dissolve in the water and the oil will spread into a circular film.
After absorption, the alcohol enters the bloodstream and dissolves in the water of the blood.
If alcohol does not dissolve oil why is it recommended as a solvent to remove urushiol oil?
It is a myth that alcohol dissolves worries.
Women reach higher blood alcohol concentrations faster than men, because a smaller fraction of their body mass is water, the substance into which alcohol dissolves.
This study also showed that alcohols dissolve myoglobin with minor modifications in the heme environment.
Many form spontaneously when alcohols dissolve in formic acid.