The stylish and well-dressed Leila is a direct contrast with her disheveled alcoholic brother Arthur, acted by Dana Lee.
With the help of his alcoholic brother, Tom sets out to challenge the family and free the town from their rule.
It was Galina, and her alcoholic brother, Yuri, who drove Leonid to weep quietly in his study night after night.
Another woman described how Mr. Skakel went out of his way to help her alcoholic brother.
In a spoof of The Lost Weekend, Ray and Jack Benny played alcoholic twin brothers.
It was there that his alcoholic brother - and, during the Hiss case, Chambers himself - attempted suicide.
In one case, a woman harried officials to intervene in a dispute with her neighbors, to get treatment for her alcoholic brother, and to secure better living conditions.
His family was third generation welfare recipients, he has two alcoholic brothers, 4 fathers and 2 mothers.
Anthony Ciccone, Madonna's homeless, alcoholic brother.
Finally, Urquhart poses as Collingridge's alcoholic brother, Charles, in order to trade in a chemical company about to benefit from the government.