It is a product of fermentation and can be based on any alcoholic liquid such as wine, cider, sherry or beer.
The matured alcoholic liquid is then bottled and sold as "yellow liquor."
They'd given him warm soup and a light brown alcoholic liquid that tasted of burned wood and blazed in his throat as he swallowed it.
To her, oil is corn and vinegar is the substance formed by fermenting dilute alcoholic liquids.
That is, if one drinks alcoholic liquids from a large glass bottle in a public place, he will invariably attract the police.
It is added to wine, cider, or other alcoholic liquids to produce vinegar.
It is a strongly alcoholic (more than 50% alcohol) but clear liquid with a sharp aroma of fermented peaches.
It ferments for 72 hours, creating an alcoholic liquid known as beer.
Many alcoholic liquids contain alcohol but are not meant to be ingested in the same way as beer, wine or spirits.
As a bottle with alcoholic liquid is implied this refers to drinking or the state of being drunk.