To date it is available bottled in Morrisons and Tesco supermarkets, Draegers supermarkets in the U.S., and on draught during "real ale" festivals at Wetherspoons pubs.
At a recent real ale festival I tried some - it was pretty ok.
There are free cookery demonstrations, alongside exhibits on local farming techniques with which children can get involved, and a real ale festival.
The south coast's biggest real ale festival, with more than 120 real cask ales to choose from, accompanied by live music and games.
Each year Woodcote hosts a steam, vintage and veteran transport and real ale festival, the proceeds of which are donated to local charities and organisations, and over the years has raised more than £300,000.
This a Biennial event (every 2 years), with live music, comedians and a CAMRA supported real ale festival.
The Rotherham Real Ale and Music Festival (formerly the Oakwood Real Ale and Music Festival) is an annual real ale festival that takes place in Rotherham, South Yorkshire.
Every day would be a beer festival except for the four real ale festivals each year, and how many other pubs have German, Belgian & American themed beer festivals as well?
Since the Plough's closure the village has held two real ale festivals each year in its village hall.
The Recreation Club also holds real ale festivals twice a year, other events include a summer fête and church fête which are held within the recreation ground and vicarage grounds respectively.