This forced schools to make concessions to provide a slower algebra course as well as other compromises.
George Castro, who grew up poor in Los Angeles, took an algebra course that set him on the road to college.
All algebra courses are not equal, and not all English teachers demand much writing.
An algebra course, officials said, might be extended over three semesters instead of two.
However, this does not mean a student has to complete a second-year algebra course to succeed on this subject test.
From his earliest years, and notably from the days of his first algebra course in high school, he had a strong love of order.
A teacher can explain create-image as easily as any ordinary function in an algebra course.
The later-year algebra courses much more thoroughly reflected her own interests and views.
Sanders received a passing grade in what may have been the most heavily publicized algebra course in college football history.
It often involves covering algebraic topics that might not have been given attention in earlier algebra courses.