He also published several papers on algebraic forms and projective geometry.
Using a small number of simple rules, each Feynman diagram can be readily expressed in its corresponding algebraic form.
An algebraic form, or simply form, is another name for a homogeneous polynomial.
These two values used to identify a given complex number are therefore called its Cartesian, rectangular, or algebraic form.
A further substitution of gives the desired result (in the algebraic form)
With the absence of a basic profit model in an algebraic form, confident development of such models is difficult.
The presentation of a profit model in an algebraic form is not new.
This format, though useful when communicating with humans, can be difficult to translate into an algebraic form, suitable for computer model building.
Consequently, the algebraic form of the inversion in a unit circle is given by where:
Another would be the treatment of algebraic forms as symmetric tensors.