In algebraic terms, the geometric mean of a, a, .
In algebraic terms the OM for the Yankee bet is given by:
In more algebraic terms, the period lattice is a real multiple of the Gaussian integers.
The problem can be translated into algebraic terms, but unfortunately there is no known algorithm to solve this algebraic problem.
These algorithms are called binomial because their control is based on the involvement of two additional algebraic terms with different exponents.
In purely linear algebraic terms, it can be viewed as a statement about positive-semidefinite matrices.
(It remained for others to re-express the law in algebraic terms).
He slipped in algebraic terms in early efforts, by cubing 2 to the answer 2.
The theory of differential fields was set up to express differential Galois theory in algebraic terms.
One could almost put it into algebraic terms.