Opening the hood is like performing an alien autopsy in Area 51: there are things in there that you cannot identify.
In 1989, former mortician Glenn Dennis claimed that he was involved in alien autopsies which were carried out at the Roswell air force base.
Film footage, purporting to show an alien autopsy, was promoted during the 1990s by Ray Santilli, a London-based video entrepreneur.
She described an alien autopsy and drew pictures for Dennis of alien corpses she had seen.
Stokes published the opinions of 15 of his movie industry colleagues about the claimed alien autopsy footage, and all 15 felt the film was a fake.
Fry and Leela rescue Zoidberg from an alien autopsy while the Professor grabs Bender's body.
Investigating evidence of an alien autopsy, Mulder infiltrates a secretive government train carriage carrying an alien-human hybrid.
And moving farther toward the fringe, Roswell, N.M., remains in some people's minds as the site of secret alien autopsies.
In 1989, former mortician Glenn Dennis put forth a detailed personal account, wherein he claimed alien autopsies were carried out at the Roswell base.
Many new witnesses had by then emerged, as had new accounts that detailed recoveries of alien corpses and alien autopsies.