Something gigantic and winged slid across the alien constellations.
How far Dennitza felt, drowned in alien constellations!
In the very same moment it was replaced by alien constellations which had not been there before.
The black star was not quite one degree wide, snipped out of an unnamed alien constellation.
At night she would see the stars, all the alien constellations, and feel it most strongly.
It was night outside indeed, and alien constellations burned above him in a clear, clean sky.
Clouds drove ragged across alien constellations and the turbulent face of Regin.
The English chieftains sat around the trestle table with alien constellations winking to life overhead.
After a while there was utter blackness, and then the light of myriad stars forming strange, alien constellations.
The streets lay deserted in the dim light of the alien constellations.