Mecha Morgan is an alien invading cyborg that appears in the Katamari games.
She informs him that she is under electronic attack by alien cyborgs, but will do what she can to organize a defense.
During these missions, Leela informs the officer that Durandal has made contact with the alien cyborgs, known as the S'pht, who are a race enslaved by the invading aliens, the Pfhor.
De'Cine (voiced by Miguel Ferrer) also changed from an alien cyborg to an Almeracian courtier.
John Silver in Disney's Treasure Planet is an alien cyborg.
If the alien cyborgs have constructed this miraculous planet-coring device with the precision I would expect of them, I predict we shall plunge entirely through the center and out to the other side.
That, plus the fact that he and his brothers were actually sealed inside an alien cyborg, added to the somewhat sur- real atmosphere.
Shortly thereafter, the two encounter the Shobijin, fairies of the guardian monster Mothra, who reveal that the monster is Gigan, an alien cyborg sent to destroy Earth 12,000 years earlier.
Aw, it's a long story, probably take me three books to tell you all of it, but basically there was this old friend of ours, a seven-foot-tall alien cyborg named Mickey Finn.
Our alien cyborg is gone with them.