After nearly ten thousand years, the alien equipment was in extraordinarily good condition.
I told you, they'll make use of alien equipment if they have it.
Now, surrounded by all this alien equipment and knowing what kinds of viruses were inside, she wasn't so certain.
For a long moment, the Empress could not tear her eyes from the beautiful piece of alien equipment.
She sat up, wondering if she could recognize a problem - or what to do about it without tools - with the alien equipment.
It was large and filled with alien equipment as well as huge masses of fungus.
A hand I lost because the alien medical equipment couldn't sufficiently recognize it to figure out how to put it back together.
When she made further adjustments to the converter, the alien equipment revived once more but only for a few seconds.
A normal Transfer would have been obvious to alien diagnostic equipment.
In fact, when it came to a live transport with this alien equipment, he'd had no practice at all.