You don't spend three years traveling with the Ultema without learning something about the alien perspective.
I love the language and the way the book draws you into an "alien" perspective by the assumption that this perspective is "normal".
Although the story involves both aliens and humans, it is told primarily from an alien perspective.
It features an alien perspective on human civilization, especially the life of British children and their families.
This necessity of trajectory design permitted us, for the first time, to look systematically at the Earth from an alien perspective.
We can all understand each other, but that's not going to be so obvious from an alien perspective.
This might seem grim to the human mind, but from an alien perspective it's all pretty entertaining.
Over the course of the first series Rose's human actions and responses contrast against the Doctor's alien perspectives.
"Come now, Lieutenant, think of how ridiculous some of our games would seem if seen from an alien perspective."
And despite his intensifying alien perspective, she remained desirable to him.