The alien predator raised its head long enough to release another dose of its venom at the Russian.
Moors and Atkinson wrote, in 1984, "No other alien predator has had such a universally damaging effect."
It can even be poison to alien predators.
Most of these planets seem devoid of civilization, and often have hostile environments or alien predators.
Karr whirled and came face to face with another of the alien predators.
You alone, commanding the government, could never hope to stand against these murderous alien predators.
It was like being the first scientist to study an alien predator.
There was no stench, for what the alien predators had left was now ice-hard, like the land around them.
Mira City was four hundred miles away, through unmapped wilderness filled with alien predators.
THEY lurk underground like alien predators in a science fiction film.