She had learned to read the alien script, and the house knew.
He tapped keys and a list appeared: titles, I assumed, in alien script.
Kirk glanced at the beautiful and unfamiliar alien script, of which he could not read a word.
The doors stood open, and a sign overhead said something indecipherable in alien script.
Nearby stood a signpost but its alien script meant nothing to him.
He thought he saw a mermaid for a second, but then resolved it as a bunch of the alien script on one wall.
Some of them had alien script next to them and a few had what looked a lot like arrows.
Some she could not read because they were written in a completely alien script.
They followed the gallery upward until it turned sharply, and once again there were words written on the wall in the alien script.
The pictures stopped after a bit and instead, tablets with alien script appeared.