Typically these are polar chemical compounds having high affinity for metal surfaces and possessing long alkyl chains.
As there are four distinct alkyl chains in cardiolipin, the potential for complexity of this molecule species is enormous.
Results have generally shown that longer alkyl chains have resulted in higher activity.
Waxes are organic compounds that characteristically consist of long alkyl chains.
Each consists of a catechol substituted with an alkyl chain that has 15 or 17 carbon atoms.
This molecule has one central benzene ring surrounded by six alkyl chains.
Unsaturation or branching on the alkyl chain lowers their melting point.
The ring can be bigger than three components allowing for additions of simple alkyl chain or larger multi-substituted aromatic systems.
The reaction appears to give fairly good yields and tolerates a variety of functional groups in the alkyl chain.
These molecules have two benzene rings in a plane with a cyano group attached, and an alkyl chain at the end.