On 2 December 1990, all-German elections were held for the first time since 1933.
He now asserts that an all-German election will not take place before next year.
The new push for early all-German elections has marked yet another shift in public feelings about unification.
If all-German elections were held today, the Christian Democrats would be likely to win.
Calling for early all-German elections would put more pressure on the talks, which began May 5.
Formal political union and all-German elections would follow, although the sequence of those two steps is uncertain.
The deadlock left undecided the matter of when unification and all-German elections will take place.
Percentage of votes won in all-German general election (provisional official results)
The governing right-center coalition was surely expected to win the first all-German elections since 1933.
In this script, a reunification shaped by all parties would lead to an all-German election early next year.