An all-day hike through the area with stops at historic homes, a church, food shops and the Socrates Sculpture Garden.
Do not wear new boots on an all-day hike or new running shoes in a race.
It can be as simple as taking the little ones to the playground - or as challenging as an all-day hike with your teenager.
It is accessible via a moderate, all-day hike from Denny Creek to Melakwa Lake.
An all-day hike along the borough's shores.
When they are in Courmayeur, Italy, where they go every summer, it is an all-day hike.
Dehydration is the greatest danger; in summer heat, a person should carry a gallon of water for an all-day hike.
When Helen urged her to accompany the girls on an all-day hike, Nancy shook her head.
Hiking: there are numerous hiking trails around the municipality suitable for short walks or all-day hikes.
So we took a fairly gentle, all-day hike up a valley just behind the northernmost set of mountains.