He told him he was getting an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii.
In addition, the group has promised to invite three teachers and seven students to take a 10-day, all-expenses-paid trip to Japan.
The government of France has offered 25 firefighters and their guests an all-expenses-paid trip to its country.
Instead, how about offering an all-expenses-paid trip abroad, or at least one bottle of French wine?
He ended up letting a blood drive use his name, and in return received an all-expenses-paid trip to Banoi.
It was an achievement that won him a two-week, all-expenses-paid trip to Europe.
But an all-expenses-paid trip with her son was too good to pass up.
Hand you an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Disney World?
Johnson, in return, invited her to an all-expenses-paid trip to the wedding.
She made it sound as though she'd just won an all-expenses-paid trip around the world.