These all-in-one designs, which include their own amplifier and fit into a standard dashboard cutout, are simple to install.
From heavy-duty items to knit and delicate garments, there's a cycle to clean and dry them within this all-in-one design.
The new models include the Performa 5200, which refines the all-in-one design Apple first introduced in the education market.
Power ratings of these all-in-one designs usually run between 6 and 25 watts per channel - enough for listening at moderate volume in a fairly quiet car.
Although not truly portable the all-in-one design did allow for quick setup and shut-down.
Brew a perfect cup of rich espresso every time with this all-in-one design with the sleek skyline-inspired Citiz espresso maker.
We thought that the all-in-one design was pretty sharp as you never have to worry about losing the cap.
Tiki features an all-in-one design, as opposed to a core+extensions model followed by other CMSs.
The PET became a success-especially in the education field, where its all-in-one design was a major advantage.
It features an all-in-one design that combines a powerful space heater, humidifier, air purifier and oscillation fan into one compact unit.