In addition to dynamic, modeling, time-based and filter effects, many pedal manufacturers have also developed all-in-one solutions.
Unlike your glorious Apple, MS rarely seems interested in being an all-in-one solution.
It is not an all-in-one solution in terms of game development or simulation as it doesn't provide audio or physics support, for instance.
ActionStep's key points of difference are workflow, all-in-one solution, and integrated accounting.
'Travellers want an all-in-one solution for seeing the hill tribes, as well as riding elephants and rafting,' she says.
InfoRelay's 15 data centers provide an all-in-one solution for companies that need to outsource IT hosting and management.
It is made to serve as an all-in-one solution for audio and video recording, editing, and other forms of media production.
PlayOnline was originally conceived as an all-in-one solution to house multiple types of game content.
There is nothing extra to hook up, nothing to be added; it's an all-in-one solution that does 3D as well as anything I've seen on the market.
ChyronIP is sold as an all-in-one solution with a software running on a 1RU computer.