At the time, Cunningham played bass guitar in an all-male band.
This all-male band is widely believed to be the new version of 112 or New Edition as reported earlier in the season.
Her all-male band was a conventional powerhouse unit.
In 1972, the Band went from an all-male band to co-ed.
The band was originally envisioned as an all-male band (like the original Devo).
Some all-male bands have female flag or banner carriers.
In 1958 she led an all-male band at Mecca Ballrooms.
Colonel Howard, as leader of the all-male band, had apparently grown less eager to share the spotlight.
In its early years, the all-male band would drift off to visit with the co-eds during the game.
In 1941, the formerly all-male band changed its policies to allow females into its members.