The restructuring deal was reached early yesterday morning after all-night negotiations that ended around 5 A.M. with details still unresolved.
Participants said today that after all-night negotiations, a deal appeared to be in sight on the crucial question of financing environmentally sustainable development in the third world.
Mr. Rowland and legislative leaders reached the agreement shortly before dawn on Wednesday after all-night negotiations.
That hearing was postponed until next week, after Mr. Farley and the bondholders reached the agreement in all-night negotiations.
The all-night negotiations began Friday night after the leaders of major industrial nations ended their three-day meeting with a ringing call for more free trade.
After all-night negotiations, parties agreed to reduce minimum requirements for musicians from 24-26 to 18-19, which would stay in effect for the next 10 years.
After all-night negotiations, he went home for a half-hour to shave, only to find himself on his return battling with the budget chief over military spending.
"It was very tense," said one United Nations official who took part in the all-night negotiations.
But yesterday, after a week of all-day and all-night negotiations, the city's leaders stood together, exhausted and relieved.
In the accord - struck at 5:40 Thursday morning after all-night negotiations - the unions agreed to accept 2,500 layoffs, 1,000 fewer than Alitalia had wanted.