The IRAS mission performed an unbiased, sensitive all-sky survey at 12, 25, 60 and 100 m during 1983.
The satellite compiled an all-sky survey of 801 astronomical targets before being decommissioned on January 31, 2001.
The infrared satellite data, obtained six years ago, are considered a definitive test of the theory because they are drawn from an all-sky survey.
Discoveries Are Predicted The plan is for the observatory to devote its first year of operations to an all-sky survey of gamma-ray radiation.
IRAS was the first observatory to perform an all-sky survey at infrared wavelengths.
Astronomers are planning a coordinated two-prong search strategy, one operation looking at known solar-type stars and the other conducting an all-sky survey.
There was no duplication going on, because we were doing an all-sky survey, and Philip had put his money on the targeted search.
But this will be the first time a spacecraft has been capable of conducting an all-sky survey of gamma-ray sources and measuring the radiations at their highest energy levels.
In between the atmospheric observations, GIMI will also perform an all-sky survey of stars and celestial diffuse sources at far-ultraviolet wavelengths.
To conduct an all-sky survey which will be more sensitive than any previous one, and will add significantly to scientific knowledge of astronomical X-ray sources.