Chelsea's ability to assemble an all-star roster has drawn some resentment from rival clubs and fans.
The all-star roster included thirteen drivers (in twelve cars) from seven premier racing series.
As publisher of an all-star roster including Karl Adam, Christopher Dawson, Ronald Knox, and Hugh Pope, he maintained a robust basic Christian faith while keeping pulse on progressive trends.
On August 16, Bow Wow announced his signing to Cash Money Records, joining an all-star roster that already includes Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne and Birdman, among others.
They were enticed most likely by its central location and the all-star roster of patriots - Paul Revere, John Hancock, Samuel Adams - interred there.
Her 2010 album Welder features appearances by an all-star roster of guests including Dwight Yoakam, Crowell and Buddy Miller.
Coster not only had the opportunity to work closely with his father, but an all-star roster of musicians as well.
The all-star roster included twelve drivers from five premier racing series.
In 2002 Santiago joined the all-star roster of singers and musicians that took part of Bobby Valentin's 35th anniversary live concert held at the Río Piedras State Penitentiary.
Traino toured the Midwest last summer as captain of the Storm, one of two all-star rosters comprising the country's best female softballers who played exhibition games in Midwest test sites.