It was their biggest all-time hit, reaching number 4 on the charts, according to Joel Whitburn.
Rose also earned his 3,000th hit that season, on his way to becoming baseball's all-time hits leader when he rejoined the Reds in the mid-1980s.
Chithram, Priyadarshan's all-time biggest hit, was also released in 1988.
Though the songs have been all-time hits in India, it has certainly earned him a bad reputation.
It is the most dramatically convincing of Donizetti's operas, even if the score contains no all-time hits.
The video quickly became one of the site's all-time biggest hits.
Many of the songs became all-time hits in Armenia.
It is a decision she is still happy about as the serial turned out to be an all-time hit.
Five months after its release, the movie surpassed "Titanic" as Japan's all-time hit.
Perhaps he listened to the all-time hits of Kate Smith.