The QianWei 2 features a newly developed dual-band passive IR seeker with strong resistance to heat flares dispensed by the target and solar/ground heat, thus improving the missile's performance in day/night, all-weather conditions.
The 301 Squadron has the mission of executing operations of air defense and conventional attack in all-weather conditions.
The two-seat fighter crewed by a pilot and navigator was designed with two powerful engines and an advanced radar and fire control system housed in its nose that enabled it to fly in all-weather or night conditions.
Intercept and destroy enemy aircraft under all-weather conditions and attack and destroy surface targets.
Observations of an area of interest can be repeated several times a day in all-weather conditions.
To conduct carrier air warfare operations and assist in the planning, control, coordination and integration of seven air wing squadrons in support of carrier air warfare including; Interception and destruction of enemy aircraft and missiles in all-weather conditions to establish and maintain local air superiority.
The risk to sappers is far greater because they may be called upon to perform clearance as tactics dictate, including in all-weather conditions and on schedule.
Motocross is a physically demanding sport held in all-weather conditions.