And when, in televised testimony at the 1964 Democratic National Convention, she passionately demanded an end to all-white delegations, she shook the conscience of the nation.
Goldwater supporters the following day forced through Tennessee's first all-white delegation to the Republican National Convention in half a century.
This contrasts with the all-white delegation of five that Westchester sent to the Republican National Convention two weeks ago.
They were validly drawn under the voting rights law to integrate previously all-white Congressional delegations.
Activists made plans to conduct a parallel Democratic primary election, because the systematic exclusion of black voters resulted in all-white delegations to presidential primaries.
At his Judiciary Committee hearing he said he regretted having declared in 1964 that Mississippi had been "humiliated" when its all-white delegation to the Democratic Convention was challenged.
Earlier in the week Darlington council's controlling Labour group refused to meet the all-white delegation.
This proposal evokes anguished cries about a return to the smoke-filled room, with all-white, all-male delegations again dominating national conventions.
Mrs. Hamer was asking that delegates of the upstart Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party be seated in place of the regular all-white delegation.
When MFDP delegates challenged the pro-segregationist, all-white official delegation, a major conflict ensued.