"I was stopped because a police officer saw a black man driving in his all-white town," said Mr. Winston, adding that it had happed on numerous occasions.
His identity crisis was compounded by being a half-black oddity in an all-white town.
For more than 40 years, Ocoee remained an all-white town.
I was already feelin' real self-conscious about my looks, kinda like bein' the only black in an all-white town someplace out west.
I notice two black women and I wonder "Is Stepford an all-white town?"
I grew up in a small, lower-middle-class, all-white, Catholic town.
Ocoee would then become an all-white town and remain as such "until sixty-one years later in 1981."
About 500 African-Americans in total were driven out of Ocoee, making Ocoee a practically all-white town.
He was raised in Clearfield, a small, virtually all-white town in central Pennsylvania, and was conservative enough that he voted for Richard Nixon in 1960.
The film satirizes the racism obscured by myth-making Hollywood accounts of the American West, with the hero being a black sheriff in an all-white town.