I considered trying to borrow against the insurance policy, but Quality's allegations of fraud made that worthless as collateral.
Before (and after) this time the allegations against others made by witches were rarely taken seriously, as it was considered to be the devil's evidence.
The allegations made public yesterday have not led to more criminal charges.
But the allegations will make Bonds's march toward 755 delicate for Selig.
We note the allegations made today concerning the reporting of matters relating to Gordon Brown.
Such allegations, he said, usually make splashy headlines, but the news does not get much attention when accusations turn out to be false.
The allegations about Justice Murphy made headlines around the country.
The more allegations made against a priest, the more likely he was to participate in treatment.
At first the allegation made no mention of Thwing.
This allegation made those two stripped of the rank of royals.