The company said it understood that the allegations related to matters previously disclosed by Par.
The allegations all relate to an incident on Sunday October 25.
Each day brings fresh details to alarm Catholic parents, even if many allegations relate to the distant past.
Approximately 600 people had provided information at the time of the report's publication, with 450 such allegations relating to Savile.
However, court documents show that these allegations relate to the 1991 case that was not before Braslow.
"These allegations relate to events that are between 1989 and 1991," Charles Perkins, a spokesman for the firm, said.
He added, "We expect the allegations to relate to the conduct of an independent farm labor contractor which was responsible for compensating its employees."
The judge, Baltasar Garzon, said that all the new allegations relate to a period beginning in 1988.
The first allegations related to his work prior to Snuppy; the claim that he had successfully cloned a human embryo.
Towards the end of 2005, the SVT found itself fending off allegations relating to the 2000 coup.